DBO Winter Draft League - 2025
Dates: Jan 15 - March 19 (9 Weeks)
Location: Our Lady Mount Carmel Elementary School
Address: 675 Gardenvale Rd
Night of the Week: Wednesday evenings
Match Start Times: 6:45pm, 7:45pm, 8:45pm
(games will begin as early as 6:45pm and finish by 9:45pm. We must be out of the gym by 10pm at the latest)
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Each player registers as an individual. When registration closes, DBO will be searching for captains who would like to build a team using our drafting process. Captains will either meet in person or virtually to select the teams. If a captain is not able to attend the draft selection meeting, they will not be able to captain. All approved, registered players will be placed on a team for the season.
The Draft League is a different style of league as it relies on the community. It only works if the players in the league help make it run. This includes helping with your team's reffing duties, notifying your team in advance if you will miss a game and of course having fun!
Draft League
We are very excited to reintroduce captains as the key decision-makers in the team-drafting process. .
In addition to leading your team to victory, captains will play an essential role in assisting DBO with various administrative duties, including:
Coordinating refereeing schedules for your team
Facilitating player replacements in case of absence
Disseminating league information to your team
Contributing to the cultivation of a positive, supportive, and competitive environment
Captains can choose to help the team move in the same strategic direction for the season or leadership if they wish, however, this is not a requirement for captaining a draft team.
Captain Criteria:
To be eligible for a captaincy position, individuals must meet the following criteria:
Must be willing to foster a positive vibe on their team
Must be in good standing with DBO (no active complaints on file)
Must be able to attend the Draft when scheduled (virtually)
To apply for a Captain position, please email info@dodgeballottawa.com. We will subsequently select captains and schedule the draft day. Please know that DBO will be striving to ensure the draft is done fairly. We encourage anyone who is interested in being a captain to apply.
Thank you for your continued dedication to Dodgeball Ottawa, and we look forward to an exciting and competitive Draft Season!